Legislative Affairs
As a CONVENER, ChamberWest brings Business, City, and Legislative Leaders to the same table in our Legislative Affairs Committee. This committee is a powerful force within the State of Utah that ADVOCATES on behalf of our BUSINESS COMMUNITY. Our Legislative Affairs Committee is comprised of subcommittees, each of them holding a piece of our puzzle.
Magic happens in our Legislative Affairs Committee as we work on advocacy for our business community! This committee meets monthly April – December to “deep dive” into issues important to our business community. Nine sub-committees identify and create Priorities Documents around important issues such as (click below to view each one):

During January – March legislative session, the committee reviews bills to identify those impacting business in our communities and then work to advocate for our members based on those positions. The committee meets with legislators weekly to expand relationships, offer professional opinions from industry, share positions on specific legislation, and provide a forum for legislators to communicate to business and civic leaders of bills in process. You can view a schedule of upcoming meetings at the bottom of this page. Scroll down to see what's gearing up for the 2025 Legislative Session.
You can review the 2025 Bill Tracker and the results this session:
Each year, our State Legislators work hard to identify sound legislation and proposed bills that they feel need to be created or amended. During this process, our ChamberWest Legislative Affairs Committee used our Bill Tracker to keep track of proposed bills that could affect businesses and the impact they may have. You can see which bills have been Opposed or Supported by the business community in ChamberWest. If you're interested in joining our Legislative Affairs Committee, cost information and instructions are further down below.
There is an additional cost of $295 per year to participate on this Committee.
Contact Barbara Riddle if you are interested in joining this committee barbara@chamberwest.org
- January through March: Mondays (with the Legislators) and Thursday (as a committee) at 7:30 a.m.
- April through December: 1st Thursday of each month at 7:30 a.m. (Committee Members and Legislators).
Other Meetings:
- Legislative Session begins at the end of January
- Session concludes mid-March
Legislative Affairs Committee and Subcommittee Leadership:

Stephen Smith
Utah Inland Port Authority

Ben Horsley
Past Chair
Granite School District

Trena Anderson
Vice Chair
Tax Policy Subcommittee
Deseret First Credit Union

Becky Guertler
Utah Veteran Business Resource Center

Kory Holdaway
Past Chair
Housing Subcommittee
KMH Consulting and Government Affairs

Jordan Larson
Air Quality Subcommittee
Varex Imaging

Bryan Scott
Past Chair
Business & Government Relations Subcommittee
The City Journals

Mike Pace
Economic Development and Sustainability Subcommittee
Cookietree Bakeries

Tim Sheehan
Education & Workforce Development Subcommittee
Salt Lake Community College

Nathanael Budge
Healthcare Subcommittee
CommonSpirit - Holy Cross Hospital

Susan Daniels
Healthcare Subcommittee

Mark Chalk
Public Utilities Subcommittee
Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District

Rick Clasby
Transportation Subcommittee
Utah Trucking Association

Barbara S. Riddle